6 travel trends to look out for in 2023, according to Booking.com

6 travel trends to look out for in 2023, according to Booking.com

Booking.com undertook extensive research from more than 24,000 travellers across 32 countries and territories and combined it with its own insights to discover the seven emerging travel predictions for 2023 - Off-grid  camping is at the top of the list! 

Camping, campfires and campervans

Getting back to nature and having the ability to go off-grid will never be more sought after than in 2023. A unsettled few years with natural disasters, political unrest and without forgetting the global pandemic has seen people opt for ‘off-grid’ style holidays to escape from reality (57%) and switch off and experience life with only the bare necessities (33%).

People are craving the camping style holiday to escape from reality and experience the great outdoors, the Slidepod makes this possible for anyone with a van. The Slidepod is a fully removable campervan unit that fits into most vans, and combined with the Eco-flow power pack you can be totally off-grid, offering you everything that a traditional campervan conversion does but without the expensive conversion costs.


To find out more how a Slidepod can transform your van - head to:




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